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apoapsis - 2025_03_25-21_02
Map: Arena
Duration: 02:01:21.7593849
Date: 2025-03-25-21-02
Server ID: deltav
Server Name: Apoapsis
Round ID: 20595
Gamemode: Secret
Download Size: 356.09 MB
Uncompressed Size: 2.7 GB
Round End Text
There was one paradox clone.
Lorin Guess (Mr_Dunce) was a paradox clone who had the following objectives:
- Kill this universe's Lorin Guess
- Keep your new friend Lorin Guess alive
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
Spawned in space and barely managed to get saved by
atmos. I made it to med to get healed and saw the other
Lorin. But she just disappeared right infront of me.
Other than that, had a good shift. Even helped deal
with a syndie which is cool. Rip real lorin
There was one ninja.
Silencing Daemon (Springroll_eater) was a ninja who had the following objectives:
Spider Clan
- Steal 12 technologies.
- Set everyone to wanted
- Teach Alexis Greenholt, Captain a lesson
- Teach Mothy, Clown a lesson
- Doorjack 29 doors on the station.
- Detonate the spider clan charge in Law Office
- Survive
There were 3 thiefs.
Kevin Trinculo, Passenger (Austin_the_vernid) was a thief who had the following objectives:
- Steal Walter.
- Steal the gold medal of crewmanship.
- Steal the beer goggles.
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
walter is perma dead shawdo anom made me give up on
em someone eles got the Medal maybe the ninja but eh
all the booms and zeds i dont care now i got the Goggels
so at lest i got that well never mind i gave the hop
the tc i had on evac they gave me it cool
Gertrude B. Snickerbottom, Scientist (Averi) was a thief who had the following objectives:
- Steal the beer goggles.
- Steal the warden's cap.
- Steal the head's bedsheet.
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
i dont even wanna write a summary, nobody reads them
Kharn Sagara, Medical Intern (AHiveTyrant) was a thief who had the following objectives:
- Steal McGriff.
- Steal the technology disk.
- Steal the ID Card.
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
There were 4 traitors.
1 out of 4 traitors were in custody.
The codewords were: back, huge, meddle, fierce
JENY-817, Passenger (BittyByte) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Die a glorious death
- Kill Seren Kaine, Chief Medical Officer
Owen Gates, Passenger (einknusprigestoast) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
- Steal the Mystagogue's book of mysteries.
Oh boy! Syndie Agent! Steal Protolathe but Ninja stole
[color=#FFAEC9] all the good shit...
Ended up just JOL in the mystas [/color]
locker to get the book, a bit boring but eh
Brava Lima, Station Engineer (HyperionGM) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Teach SM-1984 'Old Goer', Scientist a lesson
- Teach Harrison Knight, Passenger a lesson
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
[color=#FFAEC9] Wew of lads Old Goer cryo'd so lmao.
Uh, never found [/color]
[color=#FFAEC9] Harrison
Syndies honestly aren't paying me enough [/color]
for this shit with Zeds and constant bombings and I
[color=#FFAEC9] can't even find my targets alone.
Oh well. [/color]
| IN CUSTODY | Kameria Katz, Salvage Specialist (Axianamos) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Subvert the Station AI
- Teach RoJo, Chef a lesson
Seismic charged into the AI, sec came up while I was
there. I just left. They didnt see me walk away. Then
they found my prints on the board
There was one Fugitive.
Anatoli Tim (thedingus99) was a Fugitive who had the following objectives:
- Evade law enforcement
There were 2 Listening Post Operatives.
Slate Slabrock (Arnesio) was a Listening Post Operative.
THAT DAMN TRAITOR GEORGE MELONS (Glocksky) was a Listening Post Operative.
Almost all of the zombies were exterminated.
There were 4 initial infected:
- Garfette Arber (Wollow) was one of the initial infected.
- Mae Watson (HollowSoul) was one of the initial infected.
- Jeffrey Stange (SongWithinaSong) was one of the initial infected.
- Sap (CocoaMuggins) was one of the initial infected.
BittyByte was
Pirater was
HyperionGM was
CocoaMuggins was
CocoaMuggins was
GothMoth420 was
NeonBrights was
Springroll_eater was
einknusprigestoast was
thedingus99 was
Axianamos was
Averi was
Averi was
Austin_the_vernid was
Varra was
Vova56710 was
Wollow was
Wolfmin was
AHiveTyrant was
Mr_Dunce was
AngryBabbu was
Glocksky was
HollowSoul was
SongWithinaSong was
Arnesio was
Vova56710 was
Psixo was
PrepperPepper was
Proxything was
Proxything was
rinnnnn_39 was
Pirater was
0zone_22 was
nota_robot was
Nikonii23 was
Nesoryo was
NeonBrights was
Naxowings was
Narchus was
MrNutcracker was
MrFluxstone was
MrFluxstone was
Mr_Dunce was
MeefusVonBeefus was
OliverOakley was
rinnnnn_39 was
Spotid was
RupertMonroe was
Xonixc was
Wolfmin was
Vova56710 was
VictoriaActual was
Verla was
Varra was
Unreadpack59 was
This_Is_Gray was
thedingus99 was
TheAngryPun was
TheAngryPun was
TheAngryPun was
TheAngryPun was
TheAngryPun was
The_Best_Bert was
taija was
StoneHanaku was
StarboundSolaris was
Springroll_eater was
MapleOVA was
Spotid was
Sor was
Solideur64 was
SirRequiem was
ShibaOni was
Robo_Red was
lLakul was
Kalmia was
Leviathian_Jager was
darealpotatocat was
DanielSoulfu was
Crowmen was
Crowmen was
Crowmen was
Crowmen was
ConstantlyConfused was
Commieboo was
CocoaMuggins was
Captain_BrownBeard was
BungleBoss was
Bonktrauma was
Darsoleil10 was
BiggePigge was
AverageDuck was
Avalon_Proto was
Ashenvalley was
Arnesio was
Argo__ was
Argo__ was
Argo__ was
Apachito was
AngryBabbu was
AHiveTyrant was
aHalo3rat was
AetherBoi was
bardicc was
Deathninja5551 was
deltanedas was
designatedshuttlepilot was
Kowboi was
Klastic was
Kitsugami was
KillianChip was
Kiara was
Yaket was
juangaming was
jtbill was
javadocs was
Jakkatoppa was
intrepidpotion was
Horatioat was
Horatioat was
Hobro was
Hater4life was
Grape6 was
good_lil_girl_april was
gogogadgetjustice was
Glocksky was
GentleButter was
gazzy5 was
FangsAkaCharlie was
Faeire was
Eparati was
EchoBunny was
Drage222 was
Doidle was
Lithxe was
Zystical654 was
Refer to the FAQ for instructions on how to run a replay.