Warning: Replays recorded before 2024-02-17 (yyyy-MM-dd) are not supported and are not counted
periapsis - 2025_03_25-22_52
Map: Asterisk
Duration: 00:51:06.0969339
Date: 2025-03-25-22-52
Server ID: deltav
Server Name: Periapsis
Round ID: 20597
Gamemode: Secret
Download Size: 70.84 MB
Uncompressed Size: 617.31 MB
Round End Text
There were 4 traitors.
0 out of 4 traitors were in custody.
The codewords were: dead, young, curly, short
Cluboni, Janitor (Burgerboss) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
- Kill Psy Juniper, Mystagogue
Beginning of the shift, bought implanters and conversed
[color=#FFAEC9] with Tilly
After that nothing happened except Kharn [/color]
ruining my plans and my failing to kill the Mysta,
a shame.
Kharn Sagara, Medical Intern (AHiveTyrant) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Kill Jack, Logistics Officer
- Teach Let Nothing Be Wasted, Scientist a lesson
[color=#FFAEC9] Roll syndi
All kill
Power is off at bridge
Grab captains [/color]
[color=#FFAEC9] armor and sword
Complete objectives
Only attack targets
Surrender [/color]
[color=#FFAEC9] peacefully
Get yelled at in the OOC :) [/color]
Tilly Pop, Roboticist (DuckDude) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Ensure fellow traitor Kharn Sagara, Medical Intern achieves at least half their objectives.
- Ensure fellow traitor Cluboni, Janitor achieves at least half their objectives.
Eliza Cress, Atmospheric Technician (XeraToHera) was a traitor who had the following objectives:
The Syndicate
- Teach Jack, Logistics Officer a lesson
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained.
- Teach Snips Aurelius, Cargo Technician a lesson
Arrived late and everything was going to shit already.
I couldnt pretend to do my job cuz mysta was starting
TEG, had no real chance to leave engi after that. Picked
up a gun tho soooo yay i stole something.
AHiveTyrant was
DuckDude was
Burgerboss was
XeraToHera was
bogus_0451 was
LoveRedeemed was
MoonSohn was
MrCakes was
Psylux was
Puddingspoon was
RedPandaNommy was
rtiger32 was
rtiger32 was
Rust1854 was
ses was
Skunkcetera was
SoloFloats was
Space_Sentinel was
sputnik2 was
SSGlidewell was
twotrucks was
UnderCroft was
vampireferret was
verybigman was
Vicholololol was
vlacc was
Lilifolia was
bardicc was
LeoniaValkyrie was
Willpvpxl was
BabyCarrotz was
cicadomorpha was
Deaddragon97 was
draconicStars was
AirlineFood was
enosshenk was
fardlord1983 was
Filthy_Femboy was
freeviper was
gamerkeegan25 was
gamerkeegan25 was
gamerkeegan25 was
GargoyleFace was
hawkinshero was
HollyKit was
Horatioat was
Hoseatron was
HTMLSystem was
HTMLSystem was
HyperionGM was
jasfantast was
largeidiotcat was
JimmysterGuy was
Refer to the FAQ for instructions on how to run a replay.