Warning: Replays recorded before 2024-02-17 (yyyy-MM-dd) are not supported and are not counted
salamander - 2025_03_25-23_01
Map: Box Station
Duration: 00:43:06.5307468
Date: 2025-03-25-23-01
Server ID: wizards_salamander
Server Name: salamander
Round ID: 80502
Gamemode: Secret
Download Size: 107.93 MB
Uncompressed Size: 803.46 MB
Round End Text
There was one paradox clone.
Remington Thunderchud (Silentniko) was a paradox clone who had the following objectives:
- Kill Remington Thunderchud, Security Officer | Success!
- Escape to centcomm alive and unrestrained. | Success!
There was one wizard.
Cleric the Wise (Sufary) was a wizard who had the following objectives:
The Space Wizards Federation
- Survive | Failure! (0%)
- Show off | Success!
Command survived and killed all of the Head Revs.
There were 2 Head Revolutionaries:
Wallace Avicularia (Wallace_Lord_of_Owls) converted 4 people
Michael Feelgood (Cookii) converted 2 people
21 survivors died.
1 survivor was marooned on the station.
18 survivors made it out alive.
Kassiewawa was
Fossa1212 was
Tansawan was
GreekYogurt was
heartofgoldfish was
Helix_1 was
jelliwren was
Supahbonbon was
Sufary was
Kelthekraken was
SpiritFoxShikigami was
MifiKifi was
Silentniko was
MoonGirlVenus was
MythicalGrubbin was
NavySerray was
NonEuclideanHead was
Nyxilath was
Onyx_The_Brave was
SapphireMaris was
FearfulTea was
Plum31 was
Exec_Jack was
Tezzaide was
Cadunkus was
Wallace_Lord_of_Owls was
cloudyskies was
Cookii was
Exbedio was
CowOnClorox was
CptDougFalcon was
zaneplayx3 was
CreamyGoodness was
DavidBurgen was
DeviantAsp was
Arcian was
Dradzsin was
almightycatlord was
Tippyjdog was
Epilos303 was
Croco_with_a_glocko was
ArtyCookie was
Silentniko was
shooty was
Tuna224 was
Transfuraddict was
zangothedino was
RedBookcase was
AjexRose was
Peck was
BiLL117 was
BurgerMoth was
catsmilly was
dkrule was
Dragonjspider was
ElecTreefry was
RedBookcase was
Everturning was
JikiScott was
ZeroVoidSeeker was
KScorp was
MasterFurret was
Mnem was
Nettingman was
FruityKiwoo was
Zuliander was
Refer to the FAQ for instructions on how to run a replay.